No two internet marketing companies were created equally. While they can be incredibly powerful, helping you business drive traffic to its website, generate and convert leads, and maximize growth, it can be hard to tell apart the good ones from the mediocre ones. To help you weed through dozens of internet marketing companies and pick the right one to work with, here are some of the must-have qualities of a good internet marketing company.
A good internet marketing company practices what they preach
Would you consult a dermatologist that has acne and bad skin? Or go to a tailor that wears ill-fitted clothes? Likewise, why would you work with an internet marketing company that doesn’t rank highly on a search engine results page (SERP)? It goes without saying that a good internet marketing company is one that applies the advice it gives you. The way you can tell is by looking at the following indiciators:
A highly ranked, easy-to-navigate website
Does the internet marketing company have a killer website? This is a website that’s current, up-to-date, and one that adheres to good SEO practices. You should be able to easily find their website by searching for their main services on Google, be able to navigate their website and find what you’re looking for, as well as see calls to action where they’re relevant and useful.
A regularly-updated blog that helps you
As its one of the key elements of an effective inbound marketing strategy, you should also check whether the internet marketing company has a blog. Make sure that they’re posting regularly on topics that actually helps you (the target audience). This way, you’ll know that they’ll do the same when it comes to your website’s blog.
A good internet marketing company is a great place to work
By visiting their office and speaking to their employees, you’ll get an idea of the internet marketing company’s culture. Is it a fun place to work? Are their employees full of ideas? These are great indicators on whether or not the internet marketing company will simply do the bare minimum for you or apply out-of-the-box thinking and solutions. Here are some ways to guage this:
A team of highly qualified staff and a low turnover rate
Consider looking at the qualification of the internet marketing company’s employees. If they’re highly qualified, that’s a quality of a good internet marketing company. Likewise, ask about the staff turnover rate. If staff don’t quit very often, that’s also a good sign. Essentially, this means that the internet marketing company will be able to deliver results in a consistent manner.
An ability to predict and set trends
A good internet marketing company will not only be aware of digital marketing trends, but they’ll also have a habit of setting trends. What’s more, they’ll implement these decisions with proper analysis and calcultuation to minimize risk of failure. A good place to start is to look at their blog. Are they ahead of the curve? In addition, ask for case studies. Were their solutions innovative?