The 4-day week is also becoming increasingly popular in Europe. Many people would like to have a shorter work week to have more time to enjoy Bizzo Casino login, but don’t know how to present the idea to their superiors.
In 1930, British economist John Maynard Keynes predicted that in 100 years people would only have to work 15 hours a week. 90 years later, we seem to be slowly approaching this vision – the working world is at least discussing shorter working hours. More and more companies are offering models such as the 4-day week because they want to take the pressure off their employees. We’ll tell you five reasons why this works for you and your boss.
- shorter working hours do not mean less success
Many companies worry that they won’t be able to meet their goals if their employees no longer work Monday through Friday. But does attendance always equal productivity? Some companies have already introduced the 4-day workweek and are proving otherwise:
An Austrian natural cosmetics manufacturer noticed that its employees were much more productive working four days a week than five. After just six months, his sales had increased. Read more: This company introduces a 4-day workweek – and shows the benefits
The U.S. training platform Treehouse is also convinced of the 4-day week. Their employees are more productive and motivated, and have more time for leisure activities, according to the company blog.
- fewer days of absence
A checkup with the doctor, an appointment with the pediatrician or the heating meter reader comes by – employees are often absent because they have to go to appointments that can’t be rescheduled for the weekend. However, if you don’t have to put off other errands until the weekend, you can plan better and focus more on current projects at work.
- health benefits
According to the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health’s Working Time Report, people with a long work week report health complaints more often. For example, they are more often exhausted, sleep worse or have back pain. You could prevent such complaints with a 4-day week. Then you would have more time to recover and be less stressed.
Professor John Ashton, former president of the UK Faculty of Public Health, also spoke out in favor of a shorter working week in an interview with the Guardian. In his opinion, the new working hours would lead to less stress and thus to lower blood pressure – and thus prevent employees from falling ill. In this way, it might also be possible to prevent burnouts.
If you only worked four days a week, you would also have more time for family, friends and leisure activities. If you had that much time for balance, you’d probably be more relaxed at work, too.
However, a 4-day work week doesn’t solve all your problems: If your company is understaffed and you have too many tasks at once, even a shorter work week can’t help.
- better working atmosphere, time for further training
According to various studies, a good work-life balance is important to many. Many people even choose their jobs based on this criterion. So if your boss wants to attract qualified workers to his company, a 4-day work week would be a good incentive. Convey to him that colleagues would be happy about the option – and happy employees mean a better working atmosphere.