Table of Contents
Projectile Motion 1
Vertical Displacement vs Horizontal Displacement
The two dimensional path of a projectile is sketched with the position given in meters and the time given in seconds. |
To display the x- and y-coordinates, place the mouse over an image and left-click. The cursor is quite sensitive so try to |
center the cursor over the midpoint of the image. |
1) What are the x- and y-coordinates of the projectile at: |
(a) t = 0 s? (b) t = 2.4 s? (c) t = 4.8 s? |
2) What is the significance of the x and y-coordinates at these times? |
3) (a) Using the cursor, determine the difference in height of the two projectiles at points A and B. |
(b) Confirm your results by using the appropriate kinematics equation(s). |
4) Is there any air resistance acting on the projectile? How do you know? |
5) How do the upward and downward velocities compare? Support your answer. |
6) How do the initial and final horizontal velocities of the projectile compare? Justify your answer. |
Projectile Motion Calculator |